What does it look like to have a Fan Funded Film? In my case it would have not have happened without these 227 amazing Backers & Supporters. In 52 Days, this group rallied around our film 'Goodbye Promise' and helped us reach 108% Funding.
My sincerest gratitude to each of these believers. Each of you have impacted my life in a dramatic way. I am going to write more about this campaign soon. For now, I want to shine the light on these deserving 'Goodbye Promise' Contributors.
Gary King - http://grking.com/blog/
Paul Borgonia
Sheri Candler - http://www.shericandler.com/
Roger M. Richards - http://www.sarajevoroses.com/
Kiowa Winans & Jamin Winans - http://www.doubleedgefilms.com/
Greg Goldman
Andrea Shreeman - http://www.shree.tv
Len Cordova - http://www.LenCordova.com
Brian Durkin - http://www.takingthelastshot.blogspot.com/
Philip Calderone - http://manhatermovie.com/
Bill Houskeeper - http://www.imdb.com/name/nm2567223/
Janet Caliri - http://www.sightforsound.com/
Nick Murphy - http://www.pizzaandbullets.com
Ai Loon
Susan Williamson - http://www.threetuxedosfilms.com/
Mike Hedge - http://mikehedge.com/
Nathan Cole - http://www.thewaterholemovie.com/
Erika Benites - http://www.imdb.com/
Owen Thomas - http://www.owenthomas.org/
Melissa Darpino
Peter Bernhard Altmann
Sally Outlaw - www.peerbackers.com
Kevin Deen
Matt Anderson - www.filmforgestudios.com
Marcella Selbach - http://twitter.com/movieangel
Cassandra M. Bellantoni
Gia Milani
Chad Davis
Jeff Kinney - www.jjkinney.com
Thomas Corkran
Patrick Mosher
Joe Lessard
Todd Cattell
Phoebe Owens - http://superphoebe.com
Dina Bekerovich
Michele Simmons
Paul Barrett
Jenn Page
Mary Callahan
Elias Daughdrill - http://www.bit.ly/aVaCQ0
Paul J. Gitschner
Kieran Masterton - http://openindie.com/
Joseph F. Alexandre - http://www.indiegogo.com/Warriors-of-the-Discotheque-The-Starck-Club-Documentary
Ben Hicks - www.kidsgofreemovie.com
Alex Luster - http://shooteditsleep.com
Robert Babish - http://robertbabish.com/
Mark Stolaroff - http://www.nobudgetfilmschool.com/
Chuck Westfield - http://www.imdb.com/name/nm3658430/
Karen Zumsteg
Mike Merell - http://www.desertvows.com/
Adam Young
Ralph Greco aka RGreco2009 - http://twitter.com/RGreco2009
Joseph Williamson - http://www.imdb.com/name/nm2006513/
Johanna Park
D.R. Edmonds - http://twitter.com/DivineRight78
Suzy Noel Benfatto
Nic Baisley of FilmSnobbery - http://filmsnobbery.com/
Kaylee Turbeville - www.kayleeturbeville.blogspot.com
Michelle Saunders
Clark Arroyo - http://twitter.com/clarkarroyo
Giju John
Brian Erzen of Erzen Design
Dee Marie - http://www.sonsofavalon.com
Joe Gold - www.goldcapfilms.com
John Wayne Bosley of JB Movies - http://www.jbmovies.com/
Phil Seneker
Christian Collins
Ho Sau-on
Matthew Prater
Paul Collins - www.amertrust.com
Matt Gough
Julie Keck & Jessica King - http://kingisafink.com/
Margie Crain
John Paul Rice - http://www.NoRestrictionsEnt.com
Andie Redwine - www.paradiserecovered.com
Tom Vaughan
Tony Mouleart
Amy Hamilton
David Zaugh - www.zaughphotography.com
Sean Hackett
Arthur Vincie
Stacy Carolan
Brian Ronalds & Dean Matthew Ronalds aka Ronalds Brothers
Monika Persson
David ‘Choogie’ Morales
Stacey Ann Shevlin
Chris Cain McKalpain - http://twitter.com/kalpain
Dennis Peters
Craig Welzbacher
Nicole Snapp-Holloway - www.impeccabletastesokc.com
Joseph Primm - http://primmsplace.blogspot.com
Steve Nguyen - http://www.scnbenstein.com/
Christina Rose
Phil Holbrook - www.creativejinx.com
Juan Salazar
Gregory Bayne - www.thislovelymachine.com
Kathy Orrico
Aundrea Klines
Michael Palombo - http://fansoffilm.com
Angie Palmer - http://skyepublicrelations.com
Stuart and Susie Foote - http://writersblock-susie.blogspot.com/
Nickolas Potocic
Karla Salgado
Tom Gostomski - http://www.t2bcleaningservices.com/
Lara Ertl
Greg Phelan - www.gregphelan.com
4D4Films (Will & Valerie Wittstruck) - 4D4Films.com
Craig Ouellette - www.SOTMmovie.com
David Baker - http://www.missionx.co.uk/
Autumn Macdonald
Christopher Guckenberger
Jenna Edwards
Paula Ayala
Jayne Hickman
Altmann Family
Jerry Cavallaro - http://www.stucklikechucktoo.com/
Mark Chavez
Dennis Richardson - www.linkedin.com/in/dennisrichardson
Nick Carroll
Sal Vernali
Ernie Gonzalez
Linda Dailey
Ale Provenzano
Ryan Patterson - www.rpbodyworks.com
Bridget Stokes
Kim Garland - http://www.kgarland.com
Brendon Fogle
Marinell Montales - http://ventriloqui.posterous.com/
WORKING CLASS FILMS - www.workingclassfilms.com
Beverly Marshall
Veronica Shay
Kevin K. Shah - http://sabipictures.com/
Lizette Corral
John T. Trigonis - www.cerisemovie.com
Vincent Ly
Scott Mossman
Keith Palmer
Raffi Asdourian
Robert Hammond - http://cbdemille.com
John Keating - thejohnkeating.com
Celeste Nadauld - www.twitter.com/celestenadauld
Carrie Fisher-Pascual - www.planetzaya.com
Mario I. Erosa
Eme Ikwuakor
Jordan White - www.jordanallenmusic.com
S Lane Porter - www.snapthought.com
Saskia Wilson-Brown - http://www.saskiawilsonbrown.com
Michelle Cowell Roebuck
Andrew Bichler - www.infobitsystems.com
Carmen Perez - www.carmenperez.net
Darrell Womack - www.DarrellWomack.com
Lara Scheunemann
Anne Lundgren
Betty Navas - www.myspace.com/bettynavas
Marion Kerr - www.goldenearringsmovie.com
Lisa Vandever
Rob Wagner - www.westmont.edu
Ryan Koo
Mike Pasley - http://www.steviewondershow.com/
Daniel Menahem - www.thewaterholemovie.com
Sarah Hanley-Butler - http://www.twitter.com/SarahHanleyB
Fiona Horrigan - www.fionahorrigan.com
Ryan Falcheck - http://www.imdb.com/name/nm3131365/
Longlost Pictures - http://www.longlostpictures.com/
Danny Lacey - www.dannylaceyfilm.co.uk
André Hedetoft - http://www.andrehedetoft.com
Jake Stetler - http://nosanctuarymovie.com/
Lance Conatser
Spring Productions (Jonathan Lieberman) - http://www.springproductions.com/
Nora Zerillo
Wally Marzano-Lesnevich - www.worldofwally.com
Bill Elverman
Ryan Wehner - http://www.steviewondershow.com/
Alain Aguilar
Anne Renton - http://www.theperfectfamilymovie.com
Kevin Riepl
Sherry "Cosmo" Cummings - http://twitter.com/cosmosherry
Jeff Burke
Devin Watson
Hugh Guiney - http://www.nospoon.tv
Emily Millay Haddad - http://www.circlesoffireproductions.com
John T. Woods - www.johntwoods.com
Michael John Schofield
Susan Schofield - http://www.latalkradio.com/Bipolar.php
Andretti Dante - www.indiegogo.com/book-of-1000-deaths
VK Shah
Dolly Moloney
Kevin Kilkenny
Hans Burnett
Jennifer Lynn O'Hara - www.jenniferlynnjacobs.com
Frantz Durand
Sally Miller Outlaw - www.peerbackers.com
Larry Wilson - http://www.twitter.com/bergnj
Joshua Zain - http://www.facebook.com/pages/Joshua-Zain/327937907224
Mandy Hubert - http://twitter.com/machubert
Michael Rodriguez
Marcia B
Carlos Kuttler
Greg Stitt - http://www.gregstitt.com/
Jennifer Haldane - www.JenniferHaldane.CAbionline.com
The Madman - the.madmanproject.com
Christopher James Lum - http://warholiansuperstar.com/
Eric Damon Walters
Rikki Sisneros
Denise Aldelia Ward
Tod Lancaster - facebook.com/shootingapril
Valerian Zamel
Sean Gillane - www.seangillane.com
Carly Eckerle Beebe - http://twitter.com/carlyoof
Miles Maker - http://twitter.com/milesmaker
FilmSchoolDatabase.com - www.filmschooldatabase.com
Zak Forsman - http://sabipictures.com/
Neil Raymond
Todd Terwilliger
Lorie Marsh
Sam Wieland - www.myspace.com/bentelbowproductions
Kimberly Campbell
Mark Lund - http://www.marklundtv.com
Tony Riccio - http://eliteadventuretours.com
Susana Ribeirao-Marczak
Jason Gladstone
Davan Holt
Daniel Sol - http://www.HollyShorts.com
Jonas Studer - http://www.steviewondershow.com/
Richard Cardona - www.FilmmakerinLA.com
David Ratonyi
Cheryl Petty - http://www.twitter.com/cherpetty
I have just updated a bunch of names and websites. If you need your name adjusted or if your site link is incorrect, please leave me a message and I will correct on my next go around. Thank you again for helping us reach this monumental peak.
Thanks for the shout out! My website is below ;)
It's really interesting to your blog.i am so excited for this one. I think it's so romantic film. Thanks for the update.
Hey! Also have a look at this site http://www.allfilmtrailers.com thanks a lot!
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