Tuesday, February 24, 2009


I have exciting news to report. My first feature film, Night Before the Wedding is now just days away from completion! Seeing this through has been a remarkable journey and it is surreal to be this close to having a final product. Adding to this dreamlike state is having this happen just days after the Oscars. I am lightyears away from being anywhere near that stage but I do love the current proximity.

Getting this far has certainly not come without it's non-stop challenges. There have been many days of pure uncertainty followed by challenges that appeared unsurmoutable. Nights that I wasn't sure I could see this through.

Everywhere we turned for money, investors turned us down. Banks wouldn't lend to us. We held fundraisers that only provided us a fraction of what we needed to make this film. Despite the constant rejection, we somehow found a way to fight through our lack of money. Our money deficit hasn't gone away, but we have seen this film through to the finish.

During the Production, after our first day of shooting we finished 5 pages behind schedule. Everyday after that was a race to catch up with the previous days work. We didn't have the luxury of shooting in our one location after our shooting schedule ended. So the pressure was there to produce and make up ground each day. Of course it didn't help losing a night's worth of work when the city's power went out. There's actually a 'Behind the Scenes' clip of that night that I need to review and see whether it is worthy of posting online.

This film wouldn't be coming to fruition without the support, passion, perseverance and dedication of many. I want to take a moment to thank those key people upon which this film would still just be an aspiration in my head.

To my lovely, beautiful supportive partner in life Karen Worden. There is no way I can see any project through without your patience and love. You are my foundation. Everyone in this production should thank you every time they see you. I have been blessed to have you in my life.

To my Mom. She is the greatest Mom I could ever ask for.

Now on to my producing team. The backbone of this project upon which I have relied so heavily. I must thank Gregor Collins who's work ethic is an inspiration to me. And one that I can never thank enough.

Longtime friend, Daniel Sol, who is my trusted entertainment companion. He has been a part of every work I have created. He has certainly witnessed how far I have come.

Richard A. Jacob for his belief and trust in me. For his support of my creative vision. And of course for believing in this film when no one else wanted anything to do with it.

Rose Coleman for being Ms. Super Producer during Production and for all the work you continue to pour in. You so often tackle so many of the tasks that many of us avoid and you do it without complaint. It doesn't go unrecognized. Thank you.

Isandra Gonzalez for you fire and spunk. For your charm and charisma. For expanding our contacts and for the level of experience and expertise you bring to our team.

I want to thank my amazing and talented group of Actors, Actresses and Friends that make this such a fun project to work on. Kevin Deen, Frantz Durand, James Anthony McQuillan, John Keating, Chad Davis, Christopher Guckenberger, Johnny Giordano, Rhomeyn Johnson, Michael Shaun Sandy, Zane Patterson, Sarah Ronaghi, La'Rin Lane, Kristen Sullivan, Mopreme Shakur, Susan Boughton, and Joe Ruffo.

I also have to thank those special people behind the scenes that never seem to get enough recognition. Ali-Reza Nusrat, my exceptional Director of Photography and Colorist and his team of people, Brian Rumrill, David Carstens, David Hsieh, Jason Michael Lopez, and Michael Cavanaugh. By no means does it end there. I must thank Adam Lambert, Mondo Vila, Thomas Corkran, Rudy Mangual, Dianne Brooks, William Carl Mahoney, Bill Houskeeper, Patrick Dunkerly, Tyshawn Bryant, St. Anthony, Jud Bogard, Debra Bianculli for their various contributions and generosity in making this film a reality.

Believe it or not, one of the reasons I started this blog in the first place was because I wanted to thank my latest 'Follower' Ambrebalte. Great to see this blog reaching new people.

I also want to thank all the individuals out there who have so much faith in our film that they Pre-Ordered the DVD before they have even see an actual frame of footage from the film. These people I like to call our DVD Visionaries. You all have earned my gratitude.

Maria V. Altmann, Jose Amaro, Phil Begin,

Jason Benjamin, Josh Biondi, Jud Bogard,

Marie Botello, Elisabeth Britton, Tyshawn Bryant,

James Butler, Ray Cataneo, Jerry Coleman,

Michael Coleman, Christian Collins, Keith Collins,

Mary Collins, Paul Collins, Len Cordova,

Blake Cox, Anessa Curtin, Hisan Deen,

Cam DeVictor, Brian Erzen, Jennifer Frank,

Kimshelley Garner, Kathryn Grant, Ivo Gerscovich,

Julie Gillespie, Krista Goodwin, Carl Guckenberger,

Bill Houskeeper, Leasa Ionescu, Nathan Irvine,

Gillian Jacob, Raney John, Jovial Kemp,

Darrell Kiedo, Ezra Kramer, Steve Kreiztin,

Shaun Kunz, Clay Lapari, Amy Larson,

Roxie Lee, Samantha Lee, David Lincoln,

Elliott Lozano, J.C. Macek III, Suzanne Olah-Macek,

Brandon Maxwell, Christopher McKalpain,

Keven McQueen, Salomon Medina, Derek Mehn,

David Mullin, Greg Normart, Jennifer Page,

Johanna Park, Greg Phelan, Toi Polpantu,

Michael Prkic, Karl Schuhmacher, Candice Schultz,

Michelle Steele, David Stevens, Christina Torres,

Daniel Van Dyke, Jordan White,

Zachary Williams, Randall Wright

It's amazing to see how many people you can thank and still not cover all the people who deserve it. There are even more people we thank in the film's credits. In conclusion I thank all of you who have had any contribution towards bringing me to this long time dream.

This certainly will not be the last time I thank most of you.

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